Sunday, October 08, 2006

World Trade Center ` The movie

I was upset at first that anyone would make a movie about that day and the heartache. Trying to profit from it.

Then I went to see it, because I have seen all the other movies and just couldn't make myself stay at home. Damn glad I did, and damn glad I stayed for the whole movie. I wanted to leave several times. I can't stand to see people suffer. Yes, I know its a movie, but movies taken from real life are the hardest to endure for me.

Let me say that I cried thru the whole damn thing. It's amazing the courage and selflessness that those people showed that day. I had almost forgot the whole damn thing. I am glad I went to see it.

America and the world are better now for it I believe. I wouldn't have agreed to put anyone though that kind of test, but I am damn proud of Americans and their ability to pull together in such trying times. Like Charlie Daniels said... "We may do a little fighting amoungst ourselves, but you outsiders best leave us alone."

I am proud to be American

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